Headache Cure


The Great Central Philippine Headache Cure


Adam Smith


You need two people, one to ask the questions and one who has a headache.

Close your eyes and look at your headache.

Tell me about it.

What color is your headache?

Where do you see the color?

Where is the headache in your head?

Do you still feel it's there, or is it moving?

How big is your headache?

If it were liquid, would it fill a quart jar? A gallon jar? A bathtub?

Can you pour the headache into one of these containers?

When I say pour, start pouring, and see if it overflows.


What does your headache make you think of?

Look at that.

Now look at the color of your headache.

Is it the same?

Tell me about the color.

A dark shade or a light shade?

Is the headache still the same size as when we started?

Would you say it's as bad as when we started?


Keep your eyes closed, breathe evenly, and tell me how big your headache is now.

Describe the experience of your headache exactly.

All of life is experience and this is experience, what is the experience?

What color is the headache now?

What does it feel like?

How big is it?

And so on...

The narrator, or question asker, has to be relaxed, attentive and cool, so that the headache victim's mind doesn't tense itself against the visualizations...
