Love Is Letting Go Of Fear



Gerald G. Jampolsky, M.D.


The lessons

- All that I give I give to myself.

- Forgiveness is the Key to Happiness.

- I am never upset for the reason I think.

- I am determined to see things differently.

- I can escape from the world I see by giving up attack thoughts.

- I am not the victim of the world I see.

- Today I will judge nothing that occurs.

- This instant is the only time there is.

- The past is over it can touch me not.

- I could see peace instead of this.

- I can elect to change all thoughts that hurt.

- I am responsible for what I see.

Themes to live by

1- Peace of mind is our single goal.

2- Forgiveness is our single function, and the way to achieve our goal of peace of mind.

3- Through forgiveness, we can learn not to judge others and to see everyone, including ourselves, as guiltless.

4- We can let go of fear when we stop judging and stop projecting the past into the future, and live only in the now.

5- We can learn to accept direction from our inner, intuitive voice, which is our guide to knowing.

6- After our inner voice gives us direction, it will also provide the means for accomplishing whatever is necessary.

7- In following one's inner guidance, it is frequently necessary to make a commitment to a specific goal even when the means for achieving it are not immediately apparent. This is a reversal of the customary l;ogic of the world, and can be thought of as "putting the cart before the horse."

8- We do have a choice in determining what we perceive and the feelings we experience.

9- Through retraining of the mind we can learn to use positive active imagination. Positive active imagination enables us to develop positive, loving motion pictures in our mind.

Retraining the mind

To aid in retraining your mind, remember to ask yourself the following questions in all circumstances, private or interpersonal:

1- Do I choose to experience Peace of Mind or do I choose to experience Conflict?

2- do I choose to experience love or fear?

3- Do I choose to be a Love Finder or a Fault Finder?

4- Do I choose to be a Love Giver or a Love Seeker?

5- Is this communication (verbal or non-verbal) loving to the other person and is it loving to me?

Many of our thoughts, statements and actions are not loving. If we want peace of mind, it is essential that our communications with others bring about a sense of joining. To have inner peace and to experience Love, we must be consistent in what we think, say and do.

Words to eliminate:





If only




Ought to



Any word that place you or anyone else in a category.

Any word that tend to measure or evaluate you or other people.

Any word that tend to judge or condemn you or someone else.

1- One of the main purposes of time is to enable us to choose what we want to experience. Do we want to experience peace or do we want to experience conflict?

2- All minds are joined and are as one.

3- What we perceive through our physical senses presents us with a limited and distorted view of reality.

4- We really cannot change the external world nor can we change other people. We can change how we perceive the world, how we perceive others, and how we perceive ourselves.

5- There are only two emotions: one is Love and the other is fear. Love is our true reality. Fear is something our mind has made up, and is therefore unreal.

6- What we experience is our state of mind projected outward. If our state of mind is one of well-being, Love and peace, that is what we will project and therefore experience. If our state of mind is one filled with doubt, fear and concern about illness, we will project this state outward, and it will therefore be our experiential reality.

How to proceed with the lessons

The specific principles and guidelines found in this book gain personal meaning through the practice of the daily lessons. You may find some of them difficult to accept, or have trouble seeing their relevance to the problems you face in your own life. These uncertainties do not really matter. However, your willingness to practice the lessons without exceptions is important. It is the experience resulting from the practice which will help you approach your goal of greater personal happiness. Remember that willingness does not imply masteryonly a readiness to change one's perception.

Suggestions for deriving maximum benefit from the lessons:

1- Every day on awakening, relax and use your active imagination. In your mind's eye, put yourself somewhere you would feel comfortable, relaxed and at peace.

2- (Beginning with Lesson 1, do the lessons sequentially, one each day.) Spend a few minutes while you are in this relaxed state repeating the lesson title and related thoughts several times, allowing them to become part of your being.


4- Put the lesson title on a card and keep it with you, review it periodically throughout the day and evening, and apply the lesson to everyone and everything without exception.

5- Before retiring, relax again and take a few minutes to review the day's lesson. Ask yourself if you would be willing to have these ideas incorporated in your dreams.

6- When you have completed all of these lessons, your learning will be facilitated if you begin again with the first lesson and repeat the entire series.

7- This form of practice may be maintained until you find that you are thinking about the lessons and applying them consistently without needing to refer to them.

I am responsible for what I see.

I choose the feelings I experience and I decide upon the goal I would achieve.

And everything that seems to happen to me, I ask for, and receive as I have asked.
