Memory Makes Money



Harry Lorayne


A simple trick ends absentmindedness

You need an "association trigger". All that really means is that you need a reminder. Follow this simple rule: Make one thing remind you of the other. How? At the moment of the action, form a silly picture (association) in your mind connecting the two vital pieces of information the object and the hiding place. Make it a silly, ridiculous, or impossible picture. As you place the extra key into the vase, visualize yourself sticking that expensive vase into a keyhole (shattering the vase) and opening the door! (You're using the vase instead of the key). Really see that picture in your mind's eye and you will have accomplished a great deal...

Three more important points:

1) Be sure the picture you select involves only the two vital items whenever possible. It is not necessary (or wise) to make up an "action story". You do want action but just between the two vital items, in one quick (but vivid) picture.

2) Although "thinking" the picture will probably do it for you, it's best to make the slight extra effort actually to see the picture you select. The odds are that thinking it will be the same as seeing it in your mind's eye. That's so for most people. But until you're sure, make that minimal effort to see the picture. The thruth is, that little bit of effort is what makes the technique work! It forces you to pinpoint your concentration as you never have before.

3) Form the association at the moment you hide the item. If you wait to do it later, you may have forgotten where you hid the thing when later rolls around.

Make sure your mind is present, not absent, at the specific moment during which a mundane action is taking place.

Think of the action at the moment of the action you've made yourself originally aware of it. That's the rule. And that's effective attention.
